For general repairs please call this number:
Please only call between 9am-5pm Monday to Friday.
01625 462880
For emergency repairs please call this number straight away, whatever time or day:
01625 462876
We will try to get the repair sorted as fast as possible.
Revolutionising Housing.
Lets for Life is a private registered provider regulated by the regulator of social housing (No.4863), a subsidiary of the Cameron Charitable Trust and a charity registered in England & Wales (No.1157757). A company limited by guarantee registered in England & Wales (No.08972242). Registered address: Hensmill House, 9-13 Manchester Road, Wilmslow, SK9 1BQ
If you have any of these problems please call right away.
· Burst or leaking pipework,radiator,boiler.
· No cold water supply.
· No heating or hot water supply.
· Heating system giving off smell of fume.
Burst, major leak, water penetration
· A burst or leak. Turn off the water supply.
· Any burst, leak or water penetration that is affecting electrics. Turn off water supply, Turn off electricity.
· Blocked toilet – but only if there isn’t another toilet in your home.
· Toilet that won’t flush – but only if it is the only toilet and you are unable to flush it with a bucket of water as a temporary solution.
Bath, Shower, Wash Hand Basin
· Bath blocked or no water from taps.
· Shower leaking or broken or no water from shower.
· Washbasin blocked or no water from taps.
Kitchen Sink
· Kitchen sink blocked or no water from the taps.
· No lighting
· Complete power supply failure – but if nearby homes are affected contact the electricity supply company instead. British Gas, EON, etc.
· Power off in part of the home – tripped electrics.
· Electrical fitting smoking or scorching – (also turn off the electricity)
Anything else that could be an emergency.