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Lets for Life Policy and Procedures

Complaints Policy

We take any complaint about Lets for Life and the work we do very seriously. We have a policy which you can download which explains exactly how we deal with complaints we receive. The Housing Ombudsman has a Complaints Handling Code and we use this to check that we deal with complaints correctly. We are constantly looking for ways for Lets for Life to improve.

Complaints Policy PDF

Appendix A: Self-Assessment Form

This self-assessment form should be completed by the complaints officer and it must be reviewed and approved by the landlord’s governing body at least annually.  

Once approved, landlords must publish the self-assessment as part of the annual complaints performance and service improvement report on their website. The governing body’s response to the report must be published alongside this. 

Landlords are required to complete the self-assessment in full and support all statements with evidence, with additional commentary as necessary.  

We recognise that there may be a small number of circumstances where landlords are unable to meet the requirements, for example, if they do not have a website. In these circumstances, we expect landlords to deliver the intentions of the Code in an alternative way, for example by publishing information in a public area so that it is easily accessible. 

Appendix A: Self-assessment Form PDF 

Complaints Performance and Service Improvement Report 2023-2024

Lets for Life is committed to dealing with any concerns or complaints you may have about our service effectively. We aim to clarify any issues about which you are not sure. If possible, we will put right any mistakes we may have made. We wish to provide a service and if we have failed to deliver; if we got something wrong, we will apologise and where possible we will try to put things right. We also aim to learn from our mistakes and use the information we gain to improve our services.  

We comply with the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaint Handling Code and annually self-assess our compliance to it and publish the results on our website. 

Complaints Performance and Service Improvement Report 2023-2024 PDF